Within Gaelic society, there existed three classes that served as the intelligentsia: Druids, Brehon, and Filí. While they were perceived as the elite poets in Gaelic culture, the Filí served many functions such as mystic, philosopher, and genealogist. Their most notable function was that of praise poet, often composing poems meant to edify their clan chief or chieftain based on acts in battle or prudence in leadership. For this reason, Irish and Scottish clans alike had a clan poet that was given the title of Ollamh by nature of the chief’s noble right known as Ollamh flatha. This is distinct from Ollamh Filí, where one was awarded this title by completing one’s study at a bardic school.
Ar Mairsinn Mòr Mac Dhonnchaidh, translated as “Our Living Son of Duncan,” is an original praise poem elegizing Alexander Gilbert Haldane Robertson of Struan the 23rd Chief of Clan Donnachaidh. It is presented in English and Gaelic, composed using Deibhidhe metre. The intent is to offer blessings upon the clan chief and clan, hoping that this may inspire others to revive this time-honored tradition within Gaelic culture. For those who are fluent in Gaelic, one may notice some idiosyncrasies pertaining to syntactical structure. These elements are intentional and substantiated by research conducted on traditional Irish poetry. Special thanks to Dr. Adam Dahmer, who offered his services during the proofreading and editing process.
Gaelic Translation
Ar mairsinn mòr Mac Dhonnchaidh, Gun fàilleadh no fiarachadh; An maith am measg mòr mhormh’rean, A’ dìon domhain dhìleibean. Òg air fiosrach flathail h-achd, A’ dìon an dìreach dhiadhachd; Le caoin chreideas gu cràbhach, A’ stiùireadh mòr-inntinneach. Dìonadair na deil dhaoine, Ar ceanalta cheann-fine; Ar onarach dhaoine Dhè, Leanmhainn sòbarra t-slighe. Le dligheach diadhaidh dhèircean, Dhiùlt na dìolain Fhuadaichean; A’ dìon nan daoine dàilean, Le creic an glan chodaichean. A Dhè, deònaich a shlàinte Beannachadh gu barraichte; O gabhaltach ghalaran, O dàsunnach dhìobhailean. A Dhè, daingnich ar dachaigh Cinnich ar mhòr Chlann Dhonnchaidh; Sìn a-mach measail mhòrachd, Agus ùiseil t-uasalachd.
English Translation
Our living Son of Duncan, Not failing or distorting; A noble among great nobles, Defending profound legacies. From a learned stately manner, Defending the true theology; With a tender pious faith, Leading magnanimously. A defender of his persevering people, Our amiable chieftain; Our honorable man of God, A follower of the moderate path. With rightful godly charity, Refused the illegitimate Clearance; Protecting the people’s history, By selling their radiant properties. O God, vouchsafe his health Blessing outstandingly; From infectious diseases, From cunning misfortune. O God, protect our home Grow our great Clan Donnachaidh; Extend its venerable grandeur And worthy nobility.