One of the most important holidays within the Christian year is Christmas, either on December 24th or January 7th, where the birth of Jesus is celebrated. As part of celebrating this holiday, carols are sung in commemoration of this momentous event going back to the 4th century Jesus refulsit omnium (“Jesus, Light of All the Nations”) written by St. Hilary of Poitiers. Naturally, this would entail that Gaelic Christians would possess their own repertoire of traditional carols and many of which are still sung today.
To celebrate the holiday this year, here are the lyrics of Don Oíche Úd i mBeithil (“The Night in Bethlehem”) an Irish Christmas song that is quite popular to this day. While the origins of this carol are not certain, some say that it is a 7th century poem though there is not enough information to validate this claim. The most attributed source is from Sean Óg Ó Tuama’s songbook An Cóisir Cheoil to which he states Aodh Mac Aingil Mac Cathmhaoil (1571-1626) is the original author. Regardless of its history, here is the carol in both Gaeilge and English with the hope that families may sing it during this year.
Gaeilge (Irish)
Don oíche úd i mBeithil
Beidh tagairt fé ghrian go brách.
Don oíche úd i mBeithil
Go dtáinig an Briathar slán
Tá gríosghrua ar spéartha,
's an talamh 'na chlúdach bán.
Féach Íosagán sa chléibhín,
's an Mhaighdean á dhúil le grá.
Ar leacain lom an tsléibhe,
Go nglacann na haoirí scáth,
Nuair in oscailt gheal na spéire
Tá teachtaire Dé ar fail :
'Céad glóir anois don Athair,
i bhFlaitheasa thuas go hard .
Is feasta fós ar talamh,
D'fheara dea-mhéin, Síothcháin'.
English (trans. David Monks)
That dark, cold night in Bethlem
Will live in our hearts for aye.
That dark, cold night in Bethlem
The Word first saw the day.
The distant stars were twinkling;
The earth wore a mantle white.
See Jesus in the cradle;
His Mother keeps watch nearby.
Upon the cold, bare mountain,
The shepherds raise up their eyes,
As brightness cleaves the heavens
And angel-songs fill the skies:
Our hymns of praise and glory
To God on his throne on high;
And unto men of goodwill
On earth be peace and joy.