Madainn mhath, a charaidean!/Good morning, friends!
I am happy to announce that I will be teaching an introduction course on Celtic Christianity starting May 3, 2023 and ends on July 26, 2023. This course will cover topics related to the history and practices related to Celtic Christianity, including how to pronounce a series of prayers in Irish and Scottish Gaelic. The class will consist of three segments, each covering a topic within the course of a week. Each class is approximately 40-60 minutes long and will meet once per week.
There will be an option for both in-person and online through Zoom. We will be meeting at Mulligan’s Gaming Pub, located on 308 E Main St, Johnson City, TN 37601. As space will be rented out for the entire course, there will be a cover charge of $100 per person or $50 per person for online participants. This will be paid to my PayPal through my email address: Please make sure to include in the note your primary email address so that I can send out the Zoom link. It will be sent out two days before each meeting. I am looking forward to seeing you then!
A’ Chàisg sona a h-uile duine!/Happy Easter everyone!
Tha Crìosd air èiridh!/Christ is Risen!
Do you think you'll be offering this again?