Madainn mhath, mo charaid!/Good morning, my friend!
This year has provided many opportunities for growth, many of which are running their course and others on the verge of sprouting forth. The Celtofuturism series will end with one more article in production, while the series Praying in Gaelic and Introduction to Celtic Christianity will be ongoing. This is not an end to future-thinking material but acknowledging that one segment will merge into another.
I have been in discussion with other content producers, and after this January I will produce a podcast called A Gaelic Podcast. This will primarily focus on the works of others, where Celtic culture and Christianity will be presented as an interview with discussion. This is to showcase what others within the Celtic community are working on, while giving space to innovative minds and their vision of the future. I have high hopes for this endeavor, and I hope that you will continue to support my quest to elevate these voices.
Within this year, I will continue to endeavor towards a second edition of Portús na hÉireann with an English and Irish version included. I also intend to include more prayers and versicles, so that the second version will be the final and include everything necessary for a meaningful prayerful experience. As the Irish version is almost complete, I ask for patience as the final print is nearing completion.
Between and the next few months, I hope that you offer your patience as I complete the finishing touches on the second edition. The podcast will begin next January and will be presented to those already subscribed. If you haven’t already subscribed, I ask that you do so that you are updated on the latest news and material. I will also be updating the visuals on this site and the podcast, so that the same logo will be seen continuously. As this is an expensive endeavor, I ask that you donate when you can so that this endeavor can continue without the need of external funding. For those already funding this Substack and my other ventures, I offer a hearty thank you and will continue to live up to the donations you have graciously provided.
Tapadh leibh/ Gun robh math agat/ Thank you,
Dustin A. Ashley
My friend, Phil, has a substack, please examine it.