New Update: BCP Gàidhlig Prayer Group
Madainn mhath, a charaidean!/Good morning, friends!
It is my pleasure to announce that I am putting together a group to pray the Daily Offices in Gàidhlig. With the expertise of Dr. Adam Dahmer, we will begin with a one-day workshop that will focus on pronunciation so that everyone will know what to say. Afterwards, we will meet once per week to pray either Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, or Compline on Zoom which will take between 30-45 minutes. This will be recurring, so don’t worry if you need to skip. We will be using the 1881 edition that has Gàidhlig and English. A link to obtain a digital copy will be provided below, it is free of charge.
For those who are Scottish or of Scottish extraction, want to deepen one’s prayer experience with this ancient language, or simply enjoy using the BCP, this will be a great opportunity to pray in a manner that expresses your interests. A link to the Facebook group will be provided, as this will be the primary way to stay up to date on group news.
Tapadh leibh/Thank you,
Dustin A. Ashley
1881 BCP Link:
BCP Gaelic Prayer Group page: