New Update: Moving Forward
Madainn mhath, a charaidean!/Good morning, friends!
It has been over a year since I started this blog, primarily for the purpose of promoting free material related to Celtic culture and the early Irish church. With the publication of my original article Are We on the Verge of A Celtic Renaissance?, I have been attempting to discuss these topics in a manner that is unique to what is already being discussed. After all, it gets rather dull when everyone is speaking about the same concepts and not contributing any new ideas. So with the new publication year and with 200 subscribers – thank you so much for your support – I am intending to do just that: promote new and engaging ideas related to Celtic Christianity and culture. Therefore, I intend on spending this year on three distinct series of articles.
The first series, Praying in Gaelic, will continue to focus on the history of various prayers and hymns used in Christian liturgy written in Irish, Manx, and Scots Gaelic. This is also the first genuine series that I have focused on and will continue to do so moving forward. For as long as there are prayers to be said and hymns to be sung, they will be presented here for everyone to learn and practice.
The second series, Intro to Celtic Christianity, will attempt to produce a concise no-nonsense guide to Celtic Christianity. Each article will discuss a unique topic regarding the unique traditions present among the six Celtic nations based on academic research. This will not only discuss the various concepts encapsulated in the Celtic Christian tradition, but the how and why as well.
The third series, Celtofuturism, will focus less on the past and more into the future of Celtic culture. This one will be probably controversial but also the most ambitious, as it will expand into the concepts discussed in my article Cambrofuturism and the Future of Celtic Christianity. Such topics will be the impact of technology on Celtic culture, and how the wisdom present therein will provide a guide for humanity’s future. This includes the possibilities of life extension and space travel.
I am looking forward to the conversations that will emerge for the next year; stay tuned.
Tapadh leibh/Thank you,
Dustin A. Ashley