New Updates for 2025
Madainn mhath, a chairdean!/Good morning, friends!
I bring exciting news, as the Second edition of the Portús na hÉireann and Aifreann na hÉireann are now on sale. They are currently sold through the Wipf and Stock main page, and will be made available on Amazon and other sites within the next few weeks. Together, these books offer a complete prayer book and liturgical rite that serves as a resource for individual and corporate worship. Links for purchase will be provided below.
Over the years, I have encountered many who have been asking for parishes that offer a more “Celtic-oriented” practice and your requests have been acknowledged. I have been reaching out to several clergy of various church traditions, specifically Presbyterian, Anglican-Episcopalian, Orthodox, and Catholic, and they are interested in using both the Portús and Aifreann for weekly worship services. Once these discussions are finalized, I will publish a brief article indicating which churches offer these services and their locations so that inquirers may participate in their services. For clergy who are interested in providing this service to their parishioners and would-be inquirers, let me know and I will be happy to work with you.
For those wondering when an Irish edition of the Portús will be made available, the manuscript is complete and I am now working with my publisher to get it to print. Once negotiations are finalized, I will make it known and will begin working on an Irish edition of the Aifreann. The goal is to have a version of both texts in Irish and Scots Gaelic, making it a Gaelic Rite in its truest sense.
Thank you to all of my subscribers who have been with me from the beginning, and to those who have just begun this journey with me. Overall, these endeavors have been arduous and couldn’t be done without your support.
Tapadh leibh/Thank you,
Dustin A. Ashley
Aifreann na hÉireann:
Portús na hÉireann, Second Edition: