New Year, New Update
Madainn mhath, a charaidean!/Good morning, friends!
As the old year has come and gone, the new year begins with a fresh perspective and opportunities for growth. For the past month, I have been brainstorming what I can do differently moving forward. There are already several authors within the Celtic Christian community – including those who specialize in Gaelic Christianity – who tackle the issues I would like to discuss. Therefore, I will need to branch outward and consider topics that haven’t been given much coverage or devise new topics to be explored. So here are some things to look forward to in the next year:
First, I intend to take the Portús na hÉireann and expand it outward through book signings. I already have an event set for January 14th at Joseph-Beth in Lexington, KY with my eye on other events. I will make sure to post them as they are made official. I am also working on a new book that will hopefully be published through Wipf and Stock as well. Once an initial chapter is sent and a deal is finalized, I will send out a newsletter.
For A Gaelic Christian, I am still working on a new poem that details a unique meditative practice meant to be used for obtaining imbus, or inspiration. This poem will be written in Classical Gaelic with an English translation. The language is rather difficult, hence the long wait. Until then, I will continue to produce articles that focus on both Gaelic Christianity and the culture from which it blossomed forth. While others discuss Celtic Christianity from a general perspective, or focus on the devotional aspects, my goal is to discuss cutting-edge topics either from academic papers or my own original ideas.
I am also deliberating on setting up a Twitch stream and/or YouTube channel to further explore these topics. While I still intend on making the Substack page free, I may include a paid subscription option that will include early access to articles and personal Q&A sessions. For the Youtube and Twitch streams, a Patreon account will be set up for those who are willing to donate. Unfortunately, times are tough and they are even tougher for seminarians; every little bit helps. In return, I will release articles and content at a scheduled time so that your contributions are honored.
Tapadh leibh/Thank you,
Dustin A. Ashley