The following poem is written in the midthrom mode of dán díreach poetry, an ancient poetic style used within the filí tradition. One of the six díans taught to first-year students, the midthrom employs stanzas of 8 syllables each with an end word of alternating syllable counts of 2 and 3. This mode also employs a unique rhyming scheme called aicell, where the end word of the first line in a couplet rhymes with the beginning word of the second sentence.
Protect us, angelic aegis! Egregious are our transgressions. Lift us up in divine darkness; The catharsis of your creation. Forgotten, your divine dictates; We contemplate with contrition. O luminaries and lawful; That we mindfully meditate. Guide us, angelic aegis! Prestigious, prosperous are we. Your majesty shan’t be maligned; Sublime are you, O Sovereign!