Latha math, mo charaid! / Good day, my friends!
Instead of a new article, I have decided to inform you that I will be presenting for this year’s Celtic Studies Association of North America’s conference. The subject of my presentation is “Eriugena and Platonized naturalism: a modern interpretation of a medieval Irish theology” where I attempt to bring Eriugena’s philosophy in dialogue with contemporary analytical philosophy, particularly from the works of Bernard Linsky and Edward N. Zalta. This event is hosted on Zoom and is free to participate. For anyone who is interested in Eriugena and Celtic Christianity, your attendance is encouraged. I hope to see you online!
Here is the necessary Zoom information:
Thursday, 16 March, 15.15–16.15 EDT
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 884 9612 1424
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Meeting ID: 884 9612 1424
Wonderful! I have a conflict that day, will this be available via recording?