I am a Gaelic Christian
Everybody should have something that drives them to be the best person possible, whether it’s a philosophy, vision, or hobby. For me, it’s all of the above and then some. I am a proud descendant of Highland Scots, who cares deeply about Gaelic culture, and how it’s contextualized in the contemporary world.
I also care about my ancestral faith, where my understanding of Christianity is formed by my upbringing and what I have uncovered over the years.
You are Gaelic Christians
A pet peeve of mine has always been the romanticism behind Celtic culture and Christianity. I have encountered too many publications and blurbs that consist of lofty platitudes on nature and faith, forgetting that the Celtic life is not some plaything for cultural tourists. It is hard work.
My goal is simple: to capture a real understanding of Celtic culture and Christianity that goes deeper than a sappy love ballad about Jesus. I base my work on respectable theologians, taking what they have written in papers and translating it into a medium for everyone to read. I also take my own experiences and make them practical for the average individual, giving real hope to a people who have known strife for far too long.
We are Gaelic Christians
I cannot overlook the contributions made within the past century, by those trying to revive forgotten traditions and those keeping traditions. It would be unforgivable if I willfully ignore those who have come before me. I am part of the next generation, simply trying to keep alive what I have inherited. For this reason, my articles are given citations when necessary so that individuals are rightfully given credit. This publication will only publish articles for free, so that nobody will be denied access for financial reasons.