When one brings up the topic of Celtic Christianity, it often conjures up images of an eco-friendly variation of the Christian tradition that bucks against a perceived imperialistic Catholic Church.
Greetings. Today, I happened to find your website and read this article of 2/13/2023. Your focus on Celtic culture is appreciated. My original website, Appalachian Irishman, continues the cultural and biblical influences, in this "neck of the woods."
Thank you. My Substack platform started only on 12/23/2021, but my original website started on 3/6/2006 (with 411 articles as of Friday). You are welcome to contact me, via the "Contact Form," on my original website. (That starts an email exchange.) We could continue, then, to phone conversation. By the way, my original website lists my YouTube podcast channel - Appalachian Irishman - Podcasts.
Greetings. Today, I happened to find your website and read this article of 2/13/2023. Your focus on Celtic culture is appreciated. My original website, Appalachian Irishman, continues the cultural and biblical influences, in this "neck of the woods."
Fàilte! I’ve looked over your articles and your work is interesting. If you’re interested, I’m always looking to collaborate with others.
Thank you. My Substack platform started only on 12/23/2021, but my original website started on 3/6/2006 (with 411 articles as of Friday). You are welcome to contact me, via the "Contact Form," on my original website. (That starts an email exchange.) We could continue, then, to phone conversation. By the way, my original website lists my YouTube podcast channel - Appalachian Irishman - Podcasts.
Interesting. I need to research that feeling I had in Ireland, that I somehow belonged there.